The Digital Journalist
Kambui Olujimi 4th and Goal

These images are selected from a long-term poetry and photography project on the poetics of football. The project seeks to reveal the paradigms of football and their application beyond the stadium walls. Notions of trust, selflessness, discipline, and fluidity are just a few.

In my research for this work, I discovered the Women's Professional Football League (WPFL). As it was the league's inaugural season it was without precedent, and I wanted to witness its development. I found myself inspired by the diligence and ingenuity of these players and soon joined the coaching staff of the New York Sharks. There were women who had been playing flag football for twenty years, dreaming of the day that they'd suit up in helmets and shoulder pads. There were women who drove three hours each way three times a week, some juggling marriage, children, and careers, all to be part of their team and part of football's legacy.