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→ May 2004 Contents → David Douglas Duncan → Feature
The Big DDD
A Brief Appreciation May 2004
He retains his Hollywood good looks, his tan, his marquee name. He possesses an air both cosmopolitan and crafty, relentless energy, a crown graced with a signet snowdrift of white. He is an unapologetic swaggerer, a true romantic, a raconteur, an insufferable self-aggrandizer. He is the incomparable David Douglas Duncan -- DDD to friend and foe alike -- renown for his noble studies of men at war and his portraits of his neighbor Pablo Picasso (who convinced him almost a half century ago to move to the south of France, where the photographer still resides).
Yet history will tend to favor not Duncan the artiste or Duncan the marketeer or Duncan the dilettante, but Duncan the Laureate of the Leatherneck. As a Marine, he covered Pacific battles (earning a Purple Heart and a Distinguished Flying Cross), took aerial photos during bomb runs, and wrangled a spot aboard the U.S.S. Missouri to photograph Japan's surrender--in color, no less. On assignment for Life, he became the Korean War's most fabled photo-chronicler, parachuting in with troops behind enemy lines to spend Christmas with the troops. During Vietnam, he saw heavy action, created strong images and essays, and once told me, during a brief interview for Vanity Fair: "In my day, friendly troops were usually beside you or behind you. And I would go alone. I assessed my own risks. It's a different ballgame now. Today, these guys travel in coveys. They have to. [But in] the group, you draw fire. I would never get in that situation."
First, I do not believe that there is another man, dead or alive, who has made more memorable pictures of war in all three of these major conflicts: World War II, the Korean War, and the Vietnam War. In this regard, Duncan is without peer. Second, having been close to friends of his who have witnessed his generosity and companionship during cases of serious illness, I have rarely encountered a man more self-sacrificing and loyal to his oldest and dearest friends in times of deepest need.
© David Friend
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