Camelo explains “Young
people are realizing that there is more to the world than material things.”
As in many poor countries, the depravity makes people even more materialistic
and he wants to get away from that. He also sees the church “as a way to
say we’re present!”
Odel quotes from Jose Marti, saying he read Marti more closely through
the church. “When people immigrate there is a problem with the government,”
is how he paraphrases Marti. “Fidel only quotes what’s convenient from
Marti.” He recalls a priest he knew in the area who was expelled. And rages
about the fact “we only have state TV, state radio.” But through the church
“we have access to books others don’t have access to.” And he makes
a comparison between repression or religion and Christ: “Jesus Christ's
Knew the truth and they crucified him.”